
News in a Nutshell – Sept 26, 2017

September 27, 2017     Velvet Seaton    

Dear TOCS Family, Well we are nearing the finish line for the 1st 9 weeks of school.  That means we are almost to fall break and grade cards.  I hope as a family you will be able to spend some quality time together during the break. I wanted to let you know that tomorrow is “See you at the Pole.” … Read more »


The Year In Pictures 2017-18 – Mrs. Brenda Preschool 3’s Mon./Wed./Fri. Class

September 25, 2017     Brenda Henry     , ,

Welcome to the year in pictures for my Mon./Wed./Fri. 3 year old class! This will be on ongoing post that I will add pictures to weekly so parents and family members can get a glimpse into our day at preschool. Please feel free to share the link to the pictures so others can share in our day. Share