Field Trip “Eight Commandments: (based upon I Corinthians 10:31-33)
- Obey those in authority.
- Respect all people, especially those older
Yes, sir; No, sir; Yes, ma’am; No ma’am
Please and Thank You
Use Mr., Mrs., Miss
Speak one at a time
Follow instructions and directions
Stop what you are doing when spoken to
Do not distract others - Show Kindness and Love
- Regard Feelings
- Pay Attention
- Take breaks only as needed or directed
- Stay with your group
- Clean up after yourself
Teachers may add to these rules as necessary for each field trip. Please review these rules when your child has a field trip and/or chaperoning a field trip. We may be the only Jesus some people will ever see. I trust that we can make these rules part of the way that we live our lives in and at
Towering Oaks Christian School.