Field Trips

Field Trip “Eight Commandments: (based upon I Corinthians 10:31-33)

  1. Obey those in authority.
  2. Respect all people, especially those older
    Yes, sir; No, sir; Yes, ma’am; No ma’am
    Please and Thank You
    Use Mr., Mrs., Miss
    Speak one at a time
    Follow instructions and directions
    Stop what you are doing when spoken to
    Do not distract others
  3. Show Kindness and Love
  4. Regard Feelings
  5. Pay Attention
  6. Take breaks only as needed or directed
  7. Stay with your group
  8. Clean up after yourself

Teachers may add to these rules as necessary for each field trip. Please review these rules when your child has a field trip and/or chaperoning a field trip. We may be the only Jesus some people will ever see. I trust that we can make these rules part of the way that we live our lives in and at
Towering Oaks Christian School.