
March 9, 2016     Gail Ingram    

Reading is the foundation for all other learning.  Therefore, a strong emphasis is placed on phonics, spelling, and reading in kindergarten through second grade.  Students read, are read to, and retell stories to increase comprehension.

From third grade through eighth grade students continue reading great literature, but are also reading to learn in history, science, and other areas.  The Classical model of education introduces students to great works of literature with special emphasis on the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans since these are the civilizations from which much  of our law, principles of government, and scientific knowledge has emerged.

About Gail Ingram

Fifth Grade BS in Elementary Education from University of Tennessee; ACSI Professional Certification; 23 years teaching experience; 6 years experience in administration. TOCS from 1983-2000; 2009-present