Tuition 2024-2025

Preschool Yearly Base Tuition 

Tuition and fees per preschool student for the 2024-2025 preschool year are as follows:

2-day preschool (2s ONLY)$2500
3-day preschool (2s, 3s, or 4s)$3000
5-day preschool and 3-day Babies$4000

Registration and Enrollment Fees:

Total Registration Fee$200

Tuition for Grades Kindergarten-12

Tuition and fees per student for the 2024-2025 school years are as follows:

K-8 Yearly Base Tuition$4300
High School Base Tuition1-3 classes: $2400
4 or more classes: $4800

Registration fee for grades K-12

If paid by March 31

If paid after March 31

Books and other supplies fee

K-8th grades

If paid by May 31$400
If paid after May 31$425

High School

1-3 classesIf paid by May 31: $300
If paid after May 31: $325
4 or more classesIf paid by May 31: $600
If paid after May 31: $625

Á la Carte

Selected and limited á la carte classes are available for homeschool students at a cost of $1000 per class.   Families must complete the application process and students must be approved by the school administrator.  Additional book fees and registration fees apply.


For the 2023-2024 school year, we are pleased to continue to offer a discount for those families with multiple students in our k-12 school program.  Tuition will be full-priced for a regular tuition first student.  Also, families that pay have paid all fees and tuition July 15 receive a 3% discount on base tuition.

$600 discount will apply for the 2nd K-12 full-time student
$800 discount will apply for the 3rd K-12 full-time student
$1000 discount will apply for the 4th K-12 full-time student

Discounts only apply to students from the same family. The discount applies toward tuition only. Book and other supply fees and registration fees are not discounted. High school students with discounted TOCS tuitions due to dual enrollment or á la carte classes DO NOT qualify for these multiple student discounts.

Tuition plans

Tuition payments are due the first school day of each month and are collected using the FACTS on-line system. FACTS charges a 2.95% fee to use a credit or debit card; there is no charge to use a checking account.  You can call FACTS 24/7 for any financial questions you may have, 866-441-4637.  

Families will choose which of 3 payment plans best fit their payment choice:

  • Paid in full: 3% off base k-12 tuition if paid by 7/15
  • Biannual: half by July 15, final by Dec 15. If late, the tuition plan becomes a monthly plan.
  • Monthly plan: Total tuition paid over 10 months on the 1st day of the month Beginning in July. If stating late, payments might be divided over 9 or fewer months.

(Agreements must be renewed each school year. Special arrangements WILL NOT automatically carry over from year to year without approval from the school office)

See more details on page 2 of our Registration Informational Guide

Tuition payments are preferably due the first of the month. However, if it is necessary to change the date your payment is due, it could possibly be changed.  Other dates must be approved and will need to be changed in the system by the school office. FACTS will attempt to collect these payments 3 times with a fee occurring (FACTS) each time funds are NOT available.  If the payment is not available after 3 attempts by FACTS, it is your responsibility to get delinquent payments caught up through either paying through the on-line system or to the school office directly in order to remain in good standings with your tuition account.  Late payments will be assessed a $25 TOCS late fee.  This is a TOCS late fee and is not in conjunction with any fees assessed through the FACTS payment system; fees charged by FACTS are strictly fees incurred by the company.   

Financial Aid

Limited financial aid may be available for qualifying families.  Financial aid is not available for our preschool program.   The discount is based upon the recommendations from FACTS, which preforms an evaluation of a family’s financial standing. Fees for the evaluation process are the responsibility of the family seeking aid and are paid directly to FACTS.  Financial aid applies to tuition only and does not apply to book fees and registration fees.  You must apply for financial aid every school year.

Please understand that the discounted financial aid account comes at a loss to the school; the discount is not replenished by any program. Please keep this in mind and only apply if you truly need financial aid. To apply, please visit

2023-2024 Tuition Rates

2-day preschool (2s or 3s)$2500
3-day preschool (2s, 3s, or 4s)$2700
5-day preschool and 3-day Babies$3700
K-8 Yearly Base Tuition$4300
High School Base Tuition1-3 classes: $2400
4 or more classes: $4800